Source code for datmo.snapshot

import os

from datmo.core.controller.snapshot import SnapshotController
from datmo.core.entity.snapshot import Snapshot as CoreSnapshot
from datmo.core.util.exceptions import InvalidArgumentType, \
from datmo.core.util.misc_functions import prettify_datetime, format_table

[docs]class Snapshot(): """Snapshot is an entity object to enable user access to properties Parameters ---------- snapshot_entity : datmo.core.entity.snapshot.Snapshot core snapshot entity to reference Attributes ---------- id : str the id of the entity model_id : str the parent model id for the entity message : str long description of snapshot code_id : str code reference associated with the snapshot environment_id : str id for environment used to create snapshot file_collection_id : str file collection associated with the snapshot config : dict key, value pairs of configurations stats : dict key, value pairs of metrics and statistics task_id : str task id associated with snapshot label : str short description of snapshot created_at : datetime.datetime Raises ------ InvalidArgumentType """ def __init__(self, snapshot_entity): if not isinstance(snapshot_entity, CoreSnapshot): raise InvalidArgumentType() self._core_snapshot = snapshot_entity = self.model_id = self._core_snapshot.model_id self.message = self._core_snapshot.message self.code_id = self._core_snapshot.code_id self.environment_id = self._core_snapshot.environment_id self.config = self._core_snapshot.config self.stats = self._core_snapshot.stats self._files = None self.task_id = self._core_snapshot.task_id self.label = self._core_snapshot.label self.created_at = self._core_snapshot.created_at @property def files(self): self._files = self.get_files() return self._files def __get_core_snapshot(self): """Returns the latest core snapshot object for id Returns ------- datmo.core.entity.snapshot.Snapshot core snapshot object for the snapshot """ snapshot_controller = SnapshotController() return snapshot_controller.get(
[docs] def get_files(self, mode="r"): """Returns a list of file objects for the snapshot Parameters ---------- mode : str file object mode (default is "r" which signifies read mode) Returns ------- list list of file objects associated with the snapshot """ snapshot_controller = SnapshotController() return snapshot_controller.get_files(, mode=mode)
def __eq__(self, other): return == if other else False def __str__(self): if self.label: final_str = '\033[94m' + "snapshot " + + '\033[0m' final_str = final_str + '\033[94m' + " (" + '\033[0m' final_str = final_str + '\033[93m' + '\033[1m' + "label: " + self.label + '\033[0m' final_str = final_str + '\033[94m' + ")" + '\033[0m' + os.linesep else: final_str = '\033[94m' + "snapshot " + + '\033[0m' + os.linesep final_str = final_str + "Date: " + prettify_datetime( self.created_at) + os.linesep table_data = [] if self.task_id: table_data.append(["Task", "-> " + self.task_id]) # Components table_data.append(["Code", "-> " + self.code_id]) table_data.append(["Environment", "-> " + self.environment_id]) if not self.files: table_data.append(["Files", "-> None"]) else: table_data.append(["Files", "-> " + self.files[0].name]) if len(list(self.files)) > 1: for f in self.files[1:]: table_data.append([" ", "-> " +]) table_data.append(["Config", "-> " + str(self.config)]) table_data.append(["Stats", "-> " + str(self.stats)]) final_str = final_str + format_table(table_data) final_str = final_str + os.linesep + " " + self.message + os.linesep + os.linesep return final_str def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]def create(message, label=None, run_id=None, environment_id=None, env=None, paths=None, config=None, stats=None): """Create a snapshot within a project The project must be created before this is implemented. You can do that by using the following command:: $ datmo init Parameters ---------- message : str a description of the snapshot for later reference label : str, optional a short description of the snapshot for later reference (default is None, which means a blank label is stored) run_id : str, optional run object id to use to create snapshot if run id is passed then subsequent parameters would be ignored. when using run id, it will overwrite the following inputs *environment_id*: used to run the task, *paths*: this is the set of all files saved during the task *config*: nothing is passed into this variable. the user may add something to the config by passing in a dict for the config *stats*: the task.results are added into the stats variable of the snapshot. environment_id : str, optional provide the environment object id to use with this snapshot (default is None, which means it creates a default environment) env : str or list, optional the absolute file path for the environment definition path. env is not used if environment_id is also passed. this can be either a string or list (default is None, environment_id is also not passed, which will defer to the environment to find a default environment or will fail if not found) paths : list, optional list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect with destination names (e.g. "/path/to/file>hello", "/path/to/file2", "/path/to/dir>newdir") config : dict, optional provide the dictionary of configurations (default is None, which means it is empty) stats : dict, optional provide the dictionary of relevant statistics or metrics (default is None, which means it is empty) Returns ------- Snapshot returns a Snapshot entity as defined above Examples -------- You can use this function within a project repository to save snapshots for later use. Once you have created this, you will be able to view the snapshot with the `datmo snapshot ls` cli command >>> import datmo >>> datmo.snapshot.create(message="my first snapshot", paths=["/path/to/a/large/file"], config={"test": 0.4, "test2": "string"}, stats={"accuracy": 0.94}) You can also use the result of a task run in order to create a snapshot >>> datmo.snapshot.create(message="my first snapshot from task", task_id="1jfkshg049") """ snapshot_controller = SnapshotController() if run_id is not None: excluded_args = ["environment_id", "paths"] for arg in excluded_args: if eval(arg) is not None: raise SnapshotCreateFromTaskArgs( "error", "", arg) # Create a new core snapshot object core_snapshot_obj = snapshot_controller.create_from_task( message, run_id, label=label, config=config, stats=stats) # Create a new snapshot object client_snapshot_obj = Snapshot(core_snapshot_obj) return client_snapshot_obj else: snapshot_create_dict = {"message": message} # add arguments if they are not None if label: snapshot_create_dict['label'] = label if environment_id: snapshot_create_dict['environment_id'] = environment_id elif isinstance(env, list): snapshot_create_dict['environment_paths'] = env elif env: snapshot_create_dict['environment_paths'] = [env] if paths: snapshot_create_dict['paths'] = paths if config: snapshot_create_dict['config'] = config if stats: snapshot_create_dict['stats'] = stats if label: snapshot_create_dict['label'] = label # Create a new core snapshot object core_snapshot_obj = snapshot_controller.create(snapshot_create_dict) core_snapshot_obj = snapshot_controller.update(, visible=True) # Create a new snapshot object client_snapshot_obj = Snapshot(core_snapshot_obj) return client_snapshot_obj
[docs]def ls(filter=None): """List snapshots within a project The project must be created before this is implemented. You can do that by using the following command:: $ datmo init Parameters ---------- filter : str, optional a string to use to filter from message and label (default is to give all snapshots, unless provided a specific string. eg: best) Returns ------- list returns a list of Snapshot entities (as defined above) Examples -------- You can use this function within a project repository to list snapshots. >>> import datmo >>> snapshots = """ snapshot_controller = SnapshotController() # add arguments if they are not None core_snapshot_objs = snapshot_controller.list( visible=True, sort_key='created_at', sort_order='descending') # Filtering Snapshots # TODO: move to list function in SnapshotController # Add in preliminary snapshots if no filter filtered_core_snapshot_objs = [ core_snapshot_obj for core_snapshot_obj in core_snapshot_objs if core_snapshot_obj.visible and not filter ] # If filter is present then use it and only add those that pass filter for core_snapshot_obj in core_snapshot_objs: if core_snapshot_obj.visible: if filter and \ ((filter in core_snapshot_obj.message) \ or (core_snapshot_obj.label != None and filter in core_snapshot_obj.label)): filtered_core_snapshot_objs.append(core_snapshot_obj) # Return Snapshot entities return [ Snapshot(filtered_core_snapshot_obj) for filtered_core_snapshot_obj in filtered_core_snapshot_objs ]
[docs]def update(snapshot_id=None, config=None, stats=None, message=None, label=None): """Update a snapshot within a project The project must be created before this is implemented. You can do that by using the following command:: $ datmo init Parameters ---------- snapshot_id : str snapshot id to be updated config : dict, optional provide the dictionary of configurations to update (default is None, which means it is not being updated) stats : dict, optional provide the dictionary of relevant statistics or metrics to update (default is None, which means it is not being updated) message : str, optional a string to use as a new message for the snapshot (default is the already given message to that snapshot, unless provided a specific string.) label : str, optional a string to use as a new label for the snapshot (default is the already given label to that snapshot, unless provided a specific string.) Returns ------- snapshot entity returns a Snapshot entity Examples -------- You can use this function within a project repository to update a snapshot. >>> import datmo >>> snapshots = datmo.snapshot.update(snapshot_id="4L24adFfsa", config={"depth": "10", "learning_rate": "0.91"}, ... stats={"acc": "91.34", "f1_score": "0.91"}, message="new message", label="best") """ snapshot_controller = SnapshotController() return snapshot_controller.update( snapshot_id=snapshot_id, config=config, stats=stats, message=message, label=label)
[docs]def delete(snapshot_id=None): """Delete a snapshot within a project The project must be created before this is implemented. You can do that by using the following command:: $ datmo init Parameters ---------- snapshot_id : str snapshot id to be updated Returns ------- snapshot entity returns a Snapshot entity Examples -------- You can use this function within a project repository to delete a snapshot. >>> import datmo >>> datmo.snapshot.delete(snapshot_id="4L24adFfsa") """ snapshot_controller = SnapshotController() snapshot_controller.delete(snapshot_id=snapshot_id)