Command Line Utility

The command line utility for datmo is to be used in tandem with the SDK and will typically be your first contact with the datmo system. If using Python, see Python SDK.

If you are working within a repository already, you will want to run the datmo init within your repository in order to create your datmo project.

From there, you can create snapshots or run tasks using either the SDK or the CLI. At any given point you can find out more about all of your snapshots using the datmo snapshot ls command and see the status of any of your tasks with the datmo task ls command.

Sessions are a way for you to group together tasks and snapshots, but are completely optional. For example, if you want to run a set of hyperparameter experiments modifying some subset of hyperparameters you might want to do them in a designated session. Then you might try another set of hyperparameter sweeps which you would like to group into another session. By default, you will always be in the “default” session unless otherwise specified.

You can delve through more of the commands and each of their parameters below to learn more about each entity and how you can create different versions of them. You can also look through the Getting Started section in the README.

usage: datmo [-h]


command Possible choices: init, version, status, cleanup, dashboard, configure, notebook, jupyterlab, terminal, rstudio, run, ls, stop, delete, rerun, environment, snapshot



initialize project

datmo init [-h] [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--force]

Named Arguments

--force, -f, --no-prompt

boolean if you want to run init without prompts

Default: False


datmo version

datmo version [-h]


project status

datmo status [-h]


remove project

datmo cleanup [-h]


start dashboard

datmo dashboard [-h]


configure datmo

datmo configure [-h]


To run jupyter notebook

datmo notebook [-h] [--gpu] [--environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID]
               [--environment-paths ENVIRONMENT_PATHS] [--mem-limit MEM_LIMIT]
               [--data DATA]

Named Arguments


boolean if you want to run using GPUs

Default: False

 environment id from environment object
 list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)
--mem-limit, -m
 maximum amount of memory the notebook environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)
--data list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)


To run jupyterlab

datmo jupyterlab [-h] [--gpu] [--environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID]
                 [--environment-paths ENVIRONMENT_PATHS]
                 [--mem-limit MEM_LIMIT] [--data DATA]

Named Arguments


boolean if you want to run using GPUs

Default: False

 environment id from environment object
 list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)
--mem-limit, -m
 maximum amount of memory the jupyterlab environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)
--data list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)


To run terminal

datmo terminal [-h] [--gpu] [--environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID]
               [--environment-paths ENVIRONMENT_PATHS] [--mem-limit MEM_LIMIT]
               [--data DATA] [--ports PORTS]

Named Arguments


boolean if you want to run using GPUs

Default: False

 environment id from environment object
 list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)
--mem-limit, -m
 maximum amount of memory the terminal environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)
--data list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)
--ports, -p
network port mapping during run (e.g. 8888:8888). Left is the host machine port and right is the environment port available during a run.


To run Rstudio workspace

datmo rstudio [-h] [--environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID]
              [--environment-paths ENVIRONMENT_PATHS] [--mem-limit MEM_LIMIT]
              [--data DATA]

Named Arguments

 environment id from environment object
 list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)
--mem-limit, -m
 maximum amount of memory the rstudio environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)
--data list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)


run module

datmo run [-h] [--gpu] [--ports PORTS] [--environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID]
          [--environment-paths ENVIRONMENT_PATHS] [--mem-limit MEM_LIMIT]
          [--interactive] [--data DATA]

Positional Arguments

cmd command to run within environment

Named Arguments


boolean if you want to run using GPUs

Default: False

--ports, -p
network port mapping during run (e.g. 8888:8888). Left is the host machine port and right is the environment port available during a run.
 environment id from environment object
 list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)
--mem-limit, -m
 maximum amount of memory the task environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. e.g. 4g)

run the environment in interactive mode (keeps STDIN open)

Default: False

--data list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)


list module

datmo ls [-h] [--format FORMAT] [--download] [--download-path DOWNLOAD_PATH]

Named Arguments


output format [‘table’, ‘csv’]

Default: “table”


boolean is true if user would like to download. use –download-path to specify a path

Default: False

 checked only if download is specified. saves output to location specified


stop runs

datmo stop [-h] [--id ID] [--all]

Named Arguments

--id run id to stop
--all, -a

stop all datmo runs

Default: False


delete runs

datmo delete [-h] id

Positional Arguments

id run id to delete


To rerun an experiment

datmo rerun [-h] id

Positional Arguments

id run id to be rerun


environment module

datmo environment [-h] {setup,create,update,delete,ls} ...


subcommand Possible choices: setup, create, update, delete, ls



setup environment adds a predefined supported environment into your project environment directory

datmo environment setup [-h] [--name NAME] [--type TYPE]
                        [--framework FRAMEWORK] [--language LANGUAGE]
Named Arguments
--name name of environment to be used for environment (e.g. my-new-environment). if none is given, a prompt will present the supported names
--type type of environment to be used for environment (e.g. cpu). if none is given, a prompt will present the supported type
--framework framework (and relevant libraries) to be used for environment (e.g. data-analytics). if none is given, a prompt will present the supported names
--language language of environment to be used for environment (e.g. py27). if none is given, a prompt will present the supported language for the name and type

create environment using the definition paths given, if not looks in your project environment directory, or creates a default

datmo environment create [-h] [--paths PATHS] [--name NAME]
                         [--description DESCRIPTION]
Named Arguments
--paths list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)
--name, -n name given to the environment
--description, -d
 description of environment

update an environment by id

datmo environment update [-h] [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION] id
Positional Arguments
id environment id to update
Named Arguments
--name new name for the environment
--description new description for the environment

delete a environment by id

datmo environment delete [-h] id
Positional Arguments
id id of environment to delete

list environments

datmo environment ls [-h] [--format FORMAT] [--download]
                     [--download-path DOWNLOAD_PATH]
Named Arguments

output format [‘table’, ‘csv’]

Default: “table”


boolean is true if user would like to download. use –download-path to specify a path

Default: False

 checked only if download is specified. saves output to location specified


Datmo snapshots allow you to save the state of your model and experiments by keeping track of your source code, environment, configuration, metrics and large files.

datmo snapshot [-h] {create,update,delete,ls,checkout,diff,inspect} ...


subcommand Possible choices: create, update, delete, ls, checkout, diff, inspect



Run snapshot create any time you want to save the results of your experiments. You can then view all snapshots with the snapshot ls command.

datmo snapshot create [-h] [--message MESSAGE] [--label LABEL]
                      [--session-id SESSION_ID] [--run-id RUN_ID]
                      [--environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID]
                      [--environment-paths ENVIRONMENT_PATHS] [--paths PATHS]
                      [--config-filename CONFIG_FILENAME]
                      [--config-filepath CONFIG_FILEPATH] [--config CONFIG]
                      [--stats-filename STATS_FILENAME]
                      [--stats-filepath STATS_FILEPATH] [--stats STATS]
Named Arguments
--message, -m message to describe snapshot
--label, -l label snapshots with a category (e.g. best)
--session-id user given session id
--run-id specify run id to pull information from
 environment id from environment object
 list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)
--paths list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with ‘>’ (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)
 filename to use to search for configuration JSON
 absolute filepath to use to search for configuration JSON
--config, -c
provide key, value pair for the config such as key:value, (e.g. accuracy:91.1). Left is the key and right is the value for it.
 filename to use to search for metrics JSON
 absolute filepath to use to search for metrics JSON
--stats, -s
provide key, value pair for the stats such as key:value, (e.g. accuracy:91.1). Left is the key and right is the value for it.

update a snapshot by id

datmo snapshot update [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--stats STATS]
                      [--message MESSAGE] [--label LABEL]
Positional Arguments
id snapshot id to update
Named Arguments
--config, -c
provide key, value pair for the config such as key:value, (e.g. accuracy:91.1). Left is the key and right is the value for it.
--stats, -s
provide key, value pair for the stats such as key:value, (e.g. accuracy:91.1). Left is the key and right is the value for it.
--message new message for the snapshot
--label new label for the snapshot

delete a snapshot by id

datmo snapshot delete [-h] id
Positional Arguments
id snapshot id to delete

list snapshots

datmo snapshot ls [-h] [--session-id SESSION_ID] [--details] [--all]
                  [--format FORMAT] [--download]
                  [--download-path DOWNLOAD_PATH]
Named Arguments
--session-id session id to filter

show detailed snapshot information

Default: False


show all visible and hidden snapshots

Default: False


output format [‘table’, ‘csv’]

Default: “table”


boolean is true if user would like to download. use –download-path to specify a path

Default: False

 checked only if download is specified. saves output to location specified

checkout a snapshot by id

datmo snapshot checkout [-h] id
Positional Arguments
id snapshot id to checkout

view diff between 2 snapshots

datmo snapshot diff [-h] id_1 id_2
Positional Arguments
id_1 snapshot id 1
id_2 snapshot id 2

inspect a snapshot by id

datmo snapshot inspect [-h] id
Positional Arguments
id snapshot id