
Hello World


  • docker (installed and running before starting)
    Instructions for Ubuntu, MacOS, Windows
  • datmo
    install with $ pip install datmo


  1. Clone this github project.

$ git clone https://github.com/datmo/hello-world.git

2. Move into the project, initialize it, and setup the environment using the datmo CLI,

$ cd hello-world
$ # Initialize the project using datmo
$ datmo init
$ # Set the name and description for the project
$ # Enter `y` to setup the environment
$ # Select `cpu`, `data-analytics`, `py27` based on the questions being asked

3. Now, run and view your first experiment using the following commands,

$ datmo run 'python script.py'
$ # check for your first run using ls command
$ datmo ls
  1. Now let’s change the environment and script for a new run,

To edit the environment,

$ vi datmo_environment/Dockerfile

Add the following line into this Dockerfile

RUN pip install catboost

To edit the script,

$ vi script.py

Uncomment the following lines in the script,

# import catboost
# print catboost.__version__

5. Now that we have updated the environment and script, let’s run another experiment,

$ datmo run 'python script.py'
$ # check for your first run using ls command
$ datmo ls

6. With two test being tracked, we can now rerun any of the previous run with reprocibility,

$ # Select the earlier run-id to rerun the first experiment
$ datmo rerun < run-id >

Now, in this hello-world example, you have run two experiments, both which are tracked, and have rerun one of these tracked experiments.

Spinning up a TensorFlow Jupyter Notebook

  1. Install Docker on your system

Find the proper version for your operating system and install Docker from this page. Check that Docker is installed and running before moving forward.

  1. Install datmo using pip:

$ pip install datmo

  1. Navigate to a new folder for your project and run:

$ datmo init

  1. Create a name and description. When prompted to setup an environment, respond with the following answers:
    • Would you like to set up an environment? : y
    • Please select one of the above enviornment type (e.g. 1 or gpu): cpu
    • Please select one of the above environments (e.g. 1 or data-analytics): keras-tensorflow
    • Please select one of the above environment language (e.g. py27): py27
  2. Open a jupyter notebook automatically with:

$ datmo notebook

Congrats, you now have a functional jupyter notebook with TensorFlow!

Testing it out:

  1. Navigate to the notebook by typing the following into your browser:


  1. Click

New --> Notebook: Python2

  1. In the first cell, paste in and run:
import tensorflow as tf
  1. In the second cell paste and run:
# Define a constant
hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')

# Start tf session
sess = tf.Session()

# Run the op

If your output is Hello, TensorFlow!, you’re good to go!