
In order to run the example workflows, make sure that you have datmo properly installed with the latest stable or development version. You can install the latest stable version with the following command:

$ pip install datmo

Listed below are actions you might want to take with Datmo. For each we have listed if there are any example for each type of flow. You can navigate to the specific flow folder to find the exact instructions for each example.

Setting up your environment

Environment Setup Examples
Feature Scenario Link
Project Environment Setup For fresh repository Docs
  For existing datmo project (pre-configured env) GitHub
  For existing datmo project (bring your own env) GitHub
Opening a Workspace Opening a Jupyter Notebook GitHub
  Opening RStudio Github
  Opening JupyterLab Github
  Opening a Terminal Github

Running an experiment

Experiment Run Examples
Method Example Link
CLI Run a single experiment Coming Soon
CLI + Python Run a single experiment Coming Soon
Run two tasks and compare results Coming Soon

Creating a Snapshot

Note: All of the following flows involve using the CLI to some extent, even in conjunction with the python SDK. The standalone CLI version, while the most manual method, is compatible with any language and files, even those not listed here.

Snapshot Create Examples
Method Example Link
CLI Iris dataset sk-learn classifier GitHub
CLI + Python Iris dataset sk-learn classifier GitHub
CLI + Jupyter Notebook Iris dataset sk-learn classifier GitHub
CLI + R Iris dataset caret decision tree GitHub

You can view the latest examples on the master branch on Github