Source code for datmo.cli.parser

import os
from datetime import datetime
from datmo.core.util.i18n import get as __
from datmo.cli.driver.parser import Parser

[docs]def get_datmo_parser(): parser = Parser(prog="datmo") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", dest="command") # Project init_parser = subparsers.add_parser("init", help="initialize project") init_parser.add_argument("--name", default=None) init_parser.add_argument("--description", default=None) init_parser.add_argument( "--force", "-f", "--no-prompt", dest="force", action="store_true", help="boolean if you want to run init without prompts") version_parser = subparsers.add_parser("version", help="datmo version") status_parser = subparsers.add_parser("status", help="project status") cleanup_parser = subparsers.add_parser("cleanup", help="remove project") dashboard_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "dashboard", help="start dashboard") configure_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "configure", help="configure datmo") # Notebook notebook_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "notebook", help="To run jupyter notebook") notebook_parser.add_argument( "--gpu", dest="gpu", action="store_true", help="boolean if you want to run using GPUs") notebook_parser.add_argument( "--environment-id", dest="environment_id", default=None, help="environment id from environment object") notebook_parser.add_argument( "--environment-paths", dest="environment_paths", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with '>' (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)" ) notebook_parser.add_argument( "--mem-limit", "-m", dest="mem_limit", default=None, type=str, help= "maximum amount of memory the notebook environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)" ) notebook_parser.add_argument( "--data", dest="data", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names" " with '>' (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)") # Jupyterlab jupyterlab_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "jupyterlab", help="To run jupyterlab") jupyterlab_parser.add_argument( "--gpu", dest="gpu", action="store_true", help="boolean if you want to run using GPUs") jupyterlab_parser.add_argument( "--environment-id", dest="environment_id", default=None, help="environment id from environment object") jupyterlab_parser.add_argument( "--environment-paths", dest="environment_paths", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with '>' (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)" ) jupyterlab_parser.add_argument( "--mem-limit", "-m", dest="mem_limit", default=None, type=str, help= "maximum amount of memory the jupyterlab environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)" ) jupyterlab_parser.add_argument( "--data", dest="data", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names" " with '>' (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)") # Terminal terminal_parser = subparsers.add_parser("terminal", help="To run terminal") terminal_parser.add_argument( "--gpu", dest="gpu", action="store_true", help="boolean if you want to run using GPUs") terminal_parser.add_argument( "--environment-id", dest="environment_id", default=None, help="environment id from environment object") terminal_parser.add_argument( "--environment-paths", dest="environment_paths", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with '>' (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)" ) terminal_parser.add_argument( "--mem-limit", "-m", dest="mem_limit", default=None, type=str, help= "maximum amount of memory the terminal environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)" ) terminal_parser.add_argument( "--data", dest="data", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names" " with '>' (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)") terminal_parser.add_argument( "--ports", "-p", dest="ports", default=None, action="append", type=str, help=""" network port mapping during run (e.g. 8888:8888). Left is the host machine port and right is the environment port available during a run. """) # Rstudio rstudio_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "rstudio", help="To run Rstudio workspace") rstudio_parser.add_argument( "--environment-id", dest="environment_id", default=None, help="environment id from environment object") rstudio_parser.add_argument( "--environment-paths", dest="environment_paths", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with '>' (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)" ) rstudio_parser.add_argument( "--mem-limit", "-m", dest="mem_limit", default=None, type=str, help= "maximum amount of memory the rstudio environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)" ) rstudio_parser.add_argument( "--data", dest="data", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names" " with '>' (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)") # Run run_parser = subparsers.add_parser("run", help="run module") # run arguments run_parser.add_argument( "--gpu", dest="gpu", action="store_true", help="boolean if you want to run using GPUs") run_parser.add_argument( "--ports", "-p", dest="ports", default=None, action="append", type=str, help=""" network port mapping during run (e.g. 8888:8888). Left is the host machine port and right is the environment port available during a run. """) run_parser.add_argument( "--environment-id", dest="environment_id", default=None, help="environment id from environment object") run_parser.add_argument( "--environment-paths", dest="environment_paths", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with '>' (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)" ) run_parser.add_argument( "--mem-limit", "-m", dest="mem_limit", default=None, type=str, help= "maximum amount of memory the task environment can use (these options take a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. e.g. 4g)" ) run_parser.add_argument( "--interactive", dest="interactive", action="store_true", help="run the environment in interactive mode (keeps STDIN open)") run_parser.add_argument( "cmd", nargs="?", default=None, help="command to run within environment") run_parser.add_argument( "--data", dest="data", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepath and/or dirpaths for data; can specify destination names" " with '>' (e.g. /path/to/dir, /path/to/dir>newdir, /path/to/file)") # List runs ls_runs_parser = subparsers.add_parser("ls", help="list module") ls_runs_parser.add_argument( "--format", dest="format", default="table", help="output format ['table', 'csv']") ls_runs_parser.add_argument( "--download", dest="download", action="store_true", help= "boolean is true if user would like to download. use --download-path to specify a path" ) ls_runs_parser.add_argument( "--download-path", dest="download_path", default=None, help= "checked only if download is specified. saves output to location specified" ) # Stop runs stop_run_parser = subparsers.add_parser("stop", help="stop runs") stop_run_parser.add_argument( "--id", dest="id", default=None, type=str, help="run id to stop") stop_run_parser.add_argument( "--all", "-a", dest="all", action="store_true", help="stop all datmo runs") # Delete runs delete_run_parser = subparsers.add_parser("delete", help="delete runs") delete_run_parser.add_argument("id", default=None, help="run id to delete") # Rerun rerun_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "rerun", help="To rerun an experiment") rerun_parser.add_argument("id", help="run id to be rerun") # Environment environment_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "environment", help="environment module") environment_subcommand_parsers = environment_parser.add_subparsers( title="subcommands", dest="subcommand") environment_setup = environment_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "setup", help= "setup environment adds a predefined supported environment into your project environment directory" ) environment_setup.add_argument( "--name", dest="name", default=None, type=str, help= "name of environment to be used for environment (e.g. my-new-environment). if none is given, " "a prompt will present the supported names") environment_setup.add_argument( "--type", dest="type", default=None, type=str, help= "type of environment to be used for environment (e.g. cpu). if none is given, a prompt " "will present the supported type") environment_setup.add_argument( "--framework", dest="framework", default=None, type=str, help= "framework (and relevant libraries) to be used for environment (e.g. data-analytics). if none is given, " "a prompt will present the supported names") environment_setup.add_argument( "--language", dest="language", default=None, type=str, help= "language of environment to be used for environment (e.g. py27). if none is given, a prompt will " "present the supported language for the name and type") environment_create = environment_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "create", help= "create environment using the definition paths given, if not looks in your project environment directory, or creates a default" ) environment_create.add_argument( "--paths", dest="paths", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with '>' (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)" ) environment_create.add_argument( "--name", "-n", dest="name", default=None, help="name given to the environment") environment_create.add_argument( "--description", "-d", dest="description", default=None, help="description of environment") environment_update = environment_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "update", help="update an environment by id") environment_update.add_argument("id", help="environment id to update") environment_update.add_argument( "--name", dest="name", help="new name for the environment") environment_update.add_argument( "--description", dest="description", help="new description for the environment") environment_delete = environment_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "delete", help="delete a environment by id") environment_delete.add_argument("id", help="id of environment to delete") environment_ls = environment_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "ls", help="list environments") environment_ls.add_argument( "--format", dest="format", default="table", help="output format ['table', 'csv']") environment_ls.add_argument( "--download", dest="download", action="store_true", help= "boolean is true if user would like to download. use --download-path to specify a path" ) environment_ls.add_argument( "--download-path", dest="download_path", default=None, help= "checked only if download is specified. saves output to location specified" ) # Snapshot snapshot_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "snapshot", description=__("argparser", "cli.snapshot.description"), help="snapshot module") snapshot_subcommand_parsers = snapshot_parser.add_subparsers( title="subcommands", dest="subcommand") snapshot_create = snapshot_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "create", description=__("argparser", "cli.snapshot.create.description"), help="create a snapshot") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--message", "-m", dest="message", default=None, help="message to describe snapshot") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--label", "-l", dest="label", default=None, help="label snapshots with a category (e.g. best)") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--session-id", dest="session_id", default=None, help="user given session id") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--run-id", dest="run_id", default=None, help="specify run id to pull information from") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--environment-id", dest="environment_id", default=None, help="environment id from environment object") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--environment-paths", dest="environment_paths", default=None, action="append", type=str, help= "list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with '>' (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)" ) # snapshot_create.add_argument( # "--environment-name", # dest="environment_name", # default=None, # help="name given to the environment") # snapshot_create.add_argument( # "--environment-description", # dest="environment_description", # default=None, # help="description of environment") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--paths", dest="paths", default=None, action="append", help= "list of absolute or relative filepaths and/or dirpaths to collect; can specify destination names with '>' (e.g. /path/to/file>hello, /path/to/file2, /path/to/dir>newdir)" ) snapshot_create.add_argument( "--config-filename", dest="config_filename", default=None, help="filename to use to search for configuration JSON") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--config-filepath", dest="config_filepath", default=None, help="absolute filepath to use to search for configuration JSON") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--config", "-c", dest="config", default=None, action="append", type=str, help=""" provide key, value pair for the config such as key:value, (e.g. accuracy:91.1). Left is the key and right is the value for it. """) snapshot_create.add_argument( "--stats-filename", dest="stats_filename", default=None, help="filename to use to search for metrics JSON") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--stats-filepath", dest="stats_filepath", default=None, help="absolute filepath to use to search for metrics JSON") snapshot_create.add_argument( "--stats", "-s", dest="stats", default=None, action="append", type=str, help=""" provide key, value pair for the stats such as key:value, (e.g. accuracy:91.1). Left is the key and right is the value for it. """) snapshot_update = snapshot_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "update", help="update a snapshot by id") snapshot_update.add_argument("id", help="snapshot id to update") snapshot_update.add_argument( "--config", "-c", dest="config", default=None, action="append", type=str, help=""" provide key, value pair for the config such as key:value, (e.g. accuracy:91.1). Left is the key and right is the value for it. """) snapshot_update.add_argument( "--stats", "-s", dest="stats", default=None, action="append", type=str, help=""" provide key, value pair for the stats such as key:value, (e.g. accuracy:91.1). Left is the key and right is the value for it. """) snapshot_update.add_argument( "--message", dest="message", help="new message for the snapshot") snapshot_update.add_argument( "--label", dest="label", help="new label for the snapshot") snapshot_delete = snapshot_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "delete", help="delete a snapshot by id") snapshot_delete.add_argument("id", help="snapshot id to delete") snapshot_ls = snapshot_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "ls", help="list snapshots") snapshot_ls.add_argument( "--session-id", dest="session_id", default=None, help="session id to filter") snapshot_ls.add_argument( "--details", dest="details", action="store_true", help="show detailed snapshot information") snapshot_ls.add_argument( "--all", dest="show_all", action="store_true", help="show all visible and hidden snapshots") snapshot_ls.add_argument( "--format", dest="format", default="table", help="output format ['table', 'csv']") snapshot_ls.add_argument( "--download", dest="download", action="store_true", help= "boolean is true if user would like to download. use --download-path to specify a path" ) snapshot_ls.add_argument( "--download-path", dest="download_path", default=None, help= "checked only if download is specified. saves output to location specified" ) snapshot_checkout = snapshot_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "checkout", help="checkout a snapshot by id") snapshot_checkout.add_argument("id", help="snapshot id to checkout") snapshot_diff = snapshot_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "diff", help="view diff between 2 snapshots") snapshot_diff.add_argument("id_1", default=None, help="snapshot id 1") snapshot_diff.add_argument("id_2", default=None, help="snapshot id 2") snapshot_inspect = snapshot_subcommand_parsers.add_parser( "inspect", help="inspect a snapshot by id") snapshot_inspect.add_argument("id", default=None, help="snapshot id") return parser